温州激光焊接机柳市激光点焊机瓯海激光自动焊瑞安激光焊接机 台州激光雕刻机温岭激光打标机 产品特点 1、采用一体化整体结构,配备自动调焦系统,操作过程人性化。 2、使用原装进口隔离器保护光纤激光器窗口,增强稳定性和激光器寿命。 3、光束质量比传统的固体激光打标机好很多,为基模(TEM00)输 出,聚焦光斑直径不到20um。发散角是半导体泵浦激光器的1/4。特别适用于精细、精密打标。 Product characteristics 1. Integrating the whole structure, equipped with automatic focusing system, the operation process is humanized. 2. Use imported isolator to protect the WINOOW of fiber laser, enhance the stability and laser life. 3. The beam quality is much better than that of the traditional solid state laser marking machine. It is transported by the fundamental mode (TEM00). Out, the focal spot diameter is less than 20 um. The divergence angle is one fourth of that of semiconductor pumped lasers. It is especially suitable for fine and precise marking.